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Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
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Total ACE: ?

The 2024 Pacific typhoon season was the most active season, surpassing the 1997 Pacific Typhoon Season, with * named storms, of which * became typhoons, and * intensified into super typhoons. The season saw a hyperactive activity by named storm count, particularly towards the end of the season. This high activity was caused by an unusually strong El Niño that had persisted from late 2022. The season's first named storm, Ewiniar, developed on January 9, while the last named storm, *, dissipated on *. The season's first typhoon, Ewiniar, reached typhoon status on *. The season ran throughout 2024, though most tropical cyclones typically develop between August and October.

The scope of this article is limited to the Pacific Ocean to the north of the equator between 100°E and 180th meridian. Within the northwestern Pacific Ocean, there are two separate agencies that assign names to tropical cyclones which can often result in a cyclone having two names. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)named tropical cyclones that were judged to have 10-minute sustained wind speed of at least 65 km/h (40 mph) anywhere in the basin, whilst the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) assigned names to tropical cyclones which moved into or formed as a tropical depression in the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) located between 135°E and 115°E and between 5°N and 25°N regardless of whether or not a tropical cyclone has already been given a name by the JMA. Tropical depressions that were monitored by the United States' Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) were given a number with a "W" suffix.

Storm Intensities and warnings of PTWC[]

Typhoon Intensities[]

Symbols or Abbreviations Meaning Kilometers per hour (Miles per hour) Knots
TD Tropical Depression ≤62 km/h (≤39 mph) ≤33
TS Tropical Storm 63-87 km/h (40-54 mph) 34-46
STS Severe Tropical Storm 88-117 km/h (55-72 mph) 47-63
WTY Weak Typhoon 118-139 km/h (73-86 mph) 64-75
TY Typhoon 140-169 km/h (87-105 mph) 76-91
STY Severe Typhoon 170-199 km/h (106-123 mph) 92-107
VST Very Severe Typhoon 200-239 km/h (124-148 mph) 108-129
VT Violent Typhoon 240-269 km/h (149-167 mph) 130-145
VDT Very Dangerous Typhoon 270-299 km/h (168-185 mph) 146-161
SUT Super Typhoon 300-349 km/h (186-216 mph) 162-188
VET Very Destructive Typhoon 350-399 km/h (217-247 mph) 189-215
HT Hyper Typhoon 400-499 km/h (248-310 mph) 216-269
MT Mega Typhoon 500-749 km/h (311-465 mph) 270-404
UT Ultra Typhon ≥750 km/h (≥466 mph) ≥405

Other System Intensities[]

Symbols or Abbreviations Meaning Kilometers per hour (Miles per hour) Knots
SD Subtropical Depression ≤62 km/h (≤39 mph) ≤33
SS Subtropical Storm 63-117 km/h (40-72 mph) 34-63
ST Subtropical Typhoon ≥118 km/h (≥73 mph) ≥64
ES Extratropical Storm ≤117 km/h (≤72 mph) ≤63
ET Extratropical Typhoon 118-199 km/h (73-123 mph) 64-107
EST Extratropical Strong Typhoon ≥200 km/h (≥124 mph) ≥108
L Low Pressure Area / Tropical Disturbance
X Remnant Low / Post-Tropical

Typhoon Warnings[]

Strong Wind[]

Warning Number Or Abbreviation Name Wind Meaning
A++ A++ Grade Hurricane Wind Signal ≥280 km/h (≥174 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 280 km/h or higher.
A+ A+ Grade Hurricane Wind Signal 220-279 km/h (136-173 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 220-279 km/h.
A A Grade Hurricane Wind Signal 167-219 km/h (104-135 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 167-219 km/h (Beaufort scale level 15-17).
B B Grade Hurricane Wind Signal 118-166 km/h (73-103 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 118-166 km/h (Beaufort scale level 12-14).
C C Grade Storm Wind Signal 88-117 km/h (55-72 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 88-117 km/h (Beaufort scale level 10-11).
D D Grade Gale Wind Signal 63-87 km/h (39-54 mph) The issued area might experience winds up to 63-87 km/h (Beaufort scale level 8-9).

Gusts Warnings[]

Does not get issued when strong wind warnings are in force

Warning Number Or Abbreviation Name Wind Meaning
BLACK BLACK Violent Gusts Signal ≥300 km/h (≥186 mph) The issued area might experience gusts up to 300 km/h or higher.
RED RED Very Strong Gusts Signal 220-299 km/h (136-185 mph) The issued area might experience gusts up to 220-299 km/h.
YELLOW YELLOW Strong Gusts Signal 167-219 km/h (104-135 mph) The issued area might experience gusts up to 167-219 km/h (Beaufort scale level 15-17).
BLUE BLUE Strong Gusts Signal 118-166 km/h (73-103 mph) The issued area might experience gusts up to 118-166 km/h (Beaufort scale level 12-14).

Storm Surge Warnings[]

Warning Number Or Abbreviation Name Storm Surge Meaning
BLACK BLACK Storm Surge Signal ≥9 m(≥29.2 ft) The issued area might experience storm surge up to 9 m or higher.
RED RED Storm Surge Signal 7-8.9 km/h (22.7-29.1 ft) The issued area might experience storm surge up to 7-8.9 m.
YELLOW YELLOW Storm Surge Signal 5-6.9 m (16.1-22.6 ft) The issued area might experience storm surge up to 5-6.9 m.
BLUE BLUE Storm Surge Signal 3-4.9 m (9.8-16.0 ft) The issued area might experience storm surge up to 3-4.9 m.

Landfall Warning[]

Warning Categories:

A ~ SUT or higher

B ~ VST to VDT

C ~ WTY to STY

e.g. No. 1B Landfall Warning -> The issued area has a 80-99% chance to experience a VST to VDT landfall.

Warning Number Or Abbreviation Name Chance Meaning
4 No. 4 Landfall warning >99% The issued area has a >99% chance to experience a landfall.
3 No. 3 Landfall Warning 80-99% The issued area has a 80-99% chance to experience a landfall.
2 No. 2 Landfall Warning 60-79% The issued area has a 60-79% chance to experience a landfall.
1 No. 1 Landfall warning 30-59% The issued area has a 30-59% chance to experience a landfall.

Seasonal Forecasts[]

During the year, several national meteorological services and scientific agencies forecast how many tropical cyclones, tropical storms, and typhoons will form during a season and/or how many tropical cyclones will affect a particular country. These agencies included the Tropical Storm Risk (TSR), Consortium of University College London, PAGASA, Taiwan's Central Weather Bureau, Hong Kong’s Hong Kong Observatory, and PSAN Typhoon Warning Center.

The first forecast was released by HKO on July 1, in their 2023 climate outlook predicting the 2024 season. They predicted that 5-8 tropical cyclones were expected to affect Hong Kong. HKO also stated that El Niño will continue to strengthen until 2026.

TSR forecasts
Average (1965–2022) 25.7 16.1 8.7 290
February 2, 2024 39 25 11 311
April 20, 2024 43 31 16 405
July 1, 2023 42 30 18 487
August 8, 2023 50 38 20 555
Other forecasts
Period Systems
December 25, 2023 PAGASA January–March 1-4 tropical cyclones
January 22, 2024 PAGASA April–June 0-6 tropical cyclones
June 3, 2024 PAGASA July–September 8-11 tropical cyclones
July 13, 2024 PAGASA October–December 5-8 tropical cyclones
July 1, 2023 HKO January–December 5-8 tropical cyclones (to affect HK)
December 24, 2023 STWC January–December 30-52 tropical cyclones
2024 season Forecast
Actual activity: JMA 0 0 0
Actual activity: JTWC 0 0 0
Actual activity: STWC 0 0 0

Seasonal Summary[]


Severe Typhoon Ewiniar
Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 4 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 01W
FormedJanuary 9
DissipatedJanuary 19
Peak Intensity (STWC)180 km/h (50 m/s) (10-min)
947 hPa (27.96 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)210 km/h (113 kt) (1-min)
130 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Severe Typhoon Ewiniar (Aghon)[]

Weak Typhoon Maliksi (Butchoy)[]

Weak Typhoon Maliksi
Weak Typhoon (STWC)
Category 2 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 02W
FormedFebruary 29
DissipatedMarch 6
Peak Intensity (STWC)130 km/h (36 m/s) (10-min)
965 hPa (28.5 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)165 km/h (89 kt) (1-min)
103 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Gaemi (Carina)[]

Very Severe Typhoon Gaemi
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 4 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 03W
FormedMarch 5
DissipatedMarch 13
Peak Intensity (STWC)205 km/h (57 m/s) (10-min)
918 hPa (27.11 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)250 km/h (135 kt) (1-min)
155 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Violent Typhoon Prapiroon (Dindo)[]

Violent Typhoon Prapiroon
Violent Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 04W
FormedMay 2
DissipatedMay 10
Peak Intensity (STWC)250 km/h (69 m/s) (10-min)
893 hPa (26.37 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)305 km/h (165 kt) (1-min)
190 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Tropical Storm Maria[]

Tropical Storm Maria
Tropical Storm (STWC)
Tropical Storm (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 05W
FormedMay 22
DissipatedMay 26
Peak Intensity (STWC)85 km/h (24 m/s) (10-min)
993 hPa (29.32 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)100 km/h (54 kt) (1-min)
62 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Subtropical Depression 06W[]

Subtropical Depression 06W
Subtropical Depression (STWC)
Subtropical Depression (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 06W
FormedJune 7
DissipatedJune 8
Peak Intensity (STWC)45 km/h (13 m/s) (10-min)
1006 hPa (29.71 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)55 km/h (30 kt) (1-min)
34 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Typhoon Son-Tinh (Enteng)[]

Typhoon Son-Tinh
Typhoon (STWC)
Category 2 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 07W
FormedJune 11
DissipatedJune 16
Peak Intensity (STWC)140 km/h (39 m/s) (10-min)
957 hPa (28.26 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)175 km/h (94 kt) (1-min)
109 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Severe Typhoon Ampil (Ferdie)[]

Severe Typhoon Ampil
Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 4 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 08W
FormedJune 26
DissipatedJuly 1
Peak Intensity (STWC)175 km/h (49 m/s) (10-min)
935 hPa (27.61 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)215 km/h (116 kt) (1-min)
134 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Typhoon Wukong (Gener)[]

Typhoon Wukong
Typhoon (STWC)
Category 2 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north PTWC202304
FormedJuly 7
DissipatedJuly 14
Peak Intensity (STWC)155 km/h (43 m/s) (10-min)
963 hPa (28.44 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)175 km/h (94 kt) (1-min)
109 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Jongdari[]

Very Severe Typhoon Jongdari
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 10W
FormedJuly 20
DissipatedAugust 3
Peak Intensity (STWC)215 km/h (60 m/s) (10-min)
913 hPa (26.96 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)270 km/h (146 kt) (1-min)
168 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Hector (Helen)[]

Very Severe Typhoon Hector
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 11W
FormedJuly 28 (Entered Basin)
DissipatedAugust 12 (Exited basin)
Peak Intensity (STWC)220 km/h (61 m/s) (10-min)
906 hPa (26.75 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)285 km/h (154 kt) (1-min)
177 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Weak Typhoon Shanshan (Igme)[]

Weak Typhoon Shanshan
Weak Typhoon (STWC)
Category 1 Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 11WR
FormedJuly 31
DissipatedAugust 6
Peak Intensity (STWC)120 km/h (33 m/s) (10-min)
979 hPa (28.91 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)140 km/h (76 kt) (1-min)
87 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Severe Tropical Storm Yagi (Julian)[]

Severe Tropical Storm Yagi
Severe Tropical Storm (STWC)
Tropical Storm (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 12W
FormedAugust 5
DissipatedAugust 12
Peak Intensity (STWC)90 km/h (25 m/s) (10-min)
996 hPa (29.41 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)110 km/h (59 kt) (1-min)
68 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Dangerous Typhoon Leepi (Kristine)[]

Very Dangerous Typhoon Leepi
Very Dangerous Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 13W
FormedAugust 13
DissipatedAugust 25
Peak Intensity (STWC)280 km/h (78 m/s) (10-min)
867 hPa (25.6 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)335 km/h (181 kt) (1-min)
208 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Violent Typhoon Bebinca (Leon)[]

Violent Typhoon Bebinca
Violent Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 14W
FormedAugust 15
DissipatedAugust 27
Peak Intensity (STWC)240 km/h (67 m/s) (10-min)
889 hPa (26.25 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)305 km/h (165 kt) (1-min)
190 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Subtropical Storm Pulasan[]

Subtropical Storm Pulasan
Subtropical Storm (STWC)
Subtropical Storm (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 15W
FormedAugust 16
DissipatedAugust 19
Peak Intensity (STWC)65 km/h (18 m/s) (10-min)
1004 hPa (29.65 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)85 km/h (46 kt) (1-min)
53 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Super Typhoon Soulik[]

Super Typhoon Soulik
Super Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 16W
FormedAugust 20
DissipatedSeptember 2
Peak Intensity (STWC)305 km/h (85 m/s) (10-min)
852 hPa (25.16 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)370 km/h (200 kt) (1-min)
230 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Cimaron (Marce)[]

Very Severe Typhoon Cimaron
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 17W
FormedAugust 24
DissipatedSeptember 1
Peak Intensity (STWC)215 km/h (60 m/s) (10-min)
911 hPa (26.9 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)280 km/h (151 kt) (1-min)
174 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Jebi (Nika)[]

Very Severe Typhoon Jebi
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 18W
FormedAugust 29
DissipatedSeptember 13
Peak Intensity (STWC)230 km/h (64 m/s) (10-min)
899 hPa (26.55 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)295 km/h (159 kt) (1-min)
183 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Super Typhoon Krathon (Ofel)[]

Super Typhoon Krathon
Super Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 19W
FormedSeptember 1
DissipatedSeptember 17
Peak Intensity (STWC)345 km/h (96 m/s) (10-min)
833 hPa (24.6 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)400 km/h (216 kt) (1-min)
249 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Very Severe Typhoon Barijat (Pepito)[]

Very Severe Typhoon Barijat
Very Severe Typhoon (STWC)
Category 5 Super Typhoon (SSHWS)
Temporary cyclone north STWC 2024WPAC 20W
FormedSeptember 2
DissipatedSeptember 8
Peak Intensity (STWC)230 km/h (64 m/s) (10-min)
899 hPa (26.55 inHg)
Peak Intensity (Other)285 km/h (154 kt) (1-min)
177 mph
Accumulated Cyclone Energy (ACE)? (According to 1-min winds)

Storm Names[]

Within the Northwest Pacific Ocean, both the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) assign names to tropical cyclones that develop in the Western Pacific, which can result in a tropical cyclone having two names.The Japan Meteorological Agency's RSMC Tokyo — Typhoon Center assigns international names to tropical cyclones on behalf of the World Meteorological Organization's Typhoon Committee, should they be judged to have 10-minute sustained windspeeds of 65 km/h (40 mph).

PAGASA names to tropical cyclones which move into or form as a tropical depression in their area of responsibility located between 135°E and 115°E and between 5°N and 25°N even if the cyclone has had an international name assigned to it. The names of significant tropical cyclones are retired, by both PAGASA and the Typhoon Committee. Should the list of names for the Philippine region be exhausted then names will be taken from an auxiliary list of which the first ten are published each season. Unused names are marked in gray. The names of significant tropical cyclones were retired by both PAGASA and the Typhoon Committee on March 13, 2024.

International Names[]

A tropical cyclone is named when it is judged to have 10-minute sustained wind speeds of 65 km/h (40 mph). The JMA selected the names from a list of 140 names, that had been developed by the 14 members nations and territories of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee. During the season, the names * were used for the first time; they replaced the names * which were retired after the * season. Retired names were announced by the WMO on January 22, 2025, though replacement names will be announced in 2026. During the season, * names on the naming list that listed here were used. First-time names will be underlined and retired ones will be bold.

Ewiniar Maliski Gaemi Prapiroon Maria Son-Tinh Ampil Wukong Jongdari Shanshan Yagi Leepi
Bebinca Pulasan Soulik Cimaron Jebi Krathon Barijat Trami Kong-rey Yinxing Toraji Man-yi
Usagi Pabuk Wutip Sepat Mun Danas Nari Wipha Francisco Co-May Krosa Bailu

If a tropical cyclone enters the Western Pacific basin from the Eastern and Central Pacific basin (west of 180°E), it will retain the name assigned to it by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC). The following storms were named in this manner.

Central & East Pacific




During the season, PAGASA used its own naming scheme for the * tropical cyclones, that either developed within or moved into their self-defined area of responsibility. The names were taken from a list of names, that was last used during 2019 and are scheduled to be used again during 2028. All of the names are the same except Tamaraw and Ugong which replaced the names Tisoy and Ursula after they were retired. The names * were used for the first time this year. First-time names will be underlined and retired ones will be bold.



Seasonal Effects[]

Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale
TD TS C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

This is a table of the storms and their effects in the 2024 Pacific Typhoon season. This table includes the storm's names, duration, peak intensity, Areas affected, damages, and death totals. Deaths in parentheses are additional and indirect (an example of an indirect death would be a traffic accident), but are still storm-related. Damage and deaths include totals while the storm was extratropical, a wave or a low. All of the damage figures are in 2023 USD.

WIP (Islands not included in affected ares)

2024 West Pacific Typhoon season statistics
Dates active Storm category
at peak intensity
Max 1-min
mph (km/h)
Areas affected Damage
Ewiniar (Aghon) January 9-19 Category 4 typhoon 130 (215) 947 China 231.2 million 9
Maliksi (Butchoy) February 2-16 Category 2 typhoon 103 (165) 965 Phillipines, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan 87.2 million None
Gaemi (Carina) March 5-13 Category 4 super typhoon 155 (250) 988 Japan 891.8 million 15
Prapiroon (Dindo) May 2-10 Category 5 super typhoon 190 (305) 893 Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, South Korea 7.3 billion 50
Maria May 22-26 Tropical storm 62 (100) 993 Japan Minimal None
06W June 7-8 Subtropical depression 34 (55) 1008 None None None
Son-Tinh (Enteng) June 11-16 Category 2 typhoon 109 (175) 957 Taiwan, China, Philippines 501.6 million 17
Ampil (Ferdie) June 26-July 1 Category 4 typhoon 134 (215) 935 China, Macau, Hong Kong, Vietnam 8.5 billion 30
Wukong (Gener) July 7-14 Category 2 typhoon 109 (175) 963 Japan <500 thousand None
Jongdari July 20-August 3 Category 5 super typhoon 168 (270) 913 None None None
Hector (Helen) July 28-August 12 Category 5 super typhoon 177 (285) 906 Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan 5.41 billion 701
Shanshan (Igme) July 31-August 6 Category 1 typhoon 87 (140) 979 Philippines, Taiwan 251.6 million 15
Yagi (Julian) August 5-12 Severe tropical storm 68 (110) 996 Philippines 31.4 million 3
Leepi (Kristine) August 13-25 Category 5 super typhoon 208 (335) 867 Philippines, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Vietnam, China 14.11 billion 15,859
Bebinca (Leon) August 15-27 Category 5 super typhoon 190 (305) 889 Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China 1.12 billion 52
Pulasan August 16-19 Subtropical storm 53 (85) 1004 Japan Minimal None
Soulik August 20-September 2 Category 5 super typhoon 230 (370) 852 None None None
Cimaron (Marce) August 24-September 1 Category 5 super typhoon 174 (280) 911 Taiwan Minimal None
Jebi (Nika) August 29-September 13 Category 5 super typhoon 183 (295) 899 Philippines, Japan 5.17 million 1
Krathon (Ofel) September 1-17 Category 5 super typhoon 249 (400) 833 Philippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Macau 142.5 billion 106,743
Barijat (Pepito) September 2-8 Category 5 super typhoon 177 (285) 899 Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, Macau 6.5 billion 8,173