Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.
In Hurricane Idol, names that have or will be used to name hurricanes are put into a contest based on what the judges and the other users of Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki decide. However, since Season 9, names that have not been used to name tropical cyclones have been submitted. Once the contest is complete, the last name that stands out will be crowned the winner of the contest and the most popular hurricane name of the year.
Blocked users will have their names disqualified, but will be able to participate in future seasons if the user is unblocked. If you are blocked while the name submissions are ongoing, the user will be automatically eliminated and their names disqualified.
Users must compete in one account only. If you try to participate in Hurricane Idol with alternate accounts or sockpuppets, you will get your names disqualified, and you may be removed from your position if you are a designer, moderator, judge, head judge, co-host, or host. You may also be excluded from participating in future seasons of Hurricane Idol.
The name submissions period started on February 26 and ended on March 5. The names can be submitted on this page's comment section or on the official Hurricane Idol Discord server. Names submitted after this date will not be accepted.
March 12 - Top 165 names (4 names per judge)
March 20 - Top 141 names (4 names per judge)
March 28 - Top 117 names (4 names per judge)
April 3 - Top 93 names (3 names per judge)
April 13 - Top 69 names (3 names per judge)
April 18 - Top 45 names (3 names per judge)
May 2 - Top 27 names (3 names per judge)
May 17 - Top 19 names (2 names per judge)
May 21 - Top 14 names (1 name per judge)
May 28 - Top 6 names (2 names per user - PUBLIC ROUND)
June 4 - Top 3 names (1 name per user - PUBLIC ROUND)
June 11 - Final round (1 name per user - PUBLIC ROUND)
Finolian, often referred to by their name Alex, has been a part of the HHW community since 2017. They became an active member of the community after they rejoined in 2020, and quickly jumped to prominence in 2021 and 2022 after being admitted into the administration. They are currently an administrator and leader of the Discord server, and they wish all participants the best of luck on this season of Hurricane Idol!
StrawberryMaster (SM), a long-time user of HHW, has served in a variety of positions in the HHW administration since joining in mid 2015 and has participated in Hurricane Idol since Season 9, most recently having hosted Seasons 10 and 17. He sends good luck to all the contestants in this edition, and may the best name win!
HurricaneLucas4064 (commonly known as Lucas) has been a member of HHW since early 2019 and is a current administrator and co-leader of the wiki. This is his sixth season of participating in Hurricane Idol and has been a designer (S16), moderator (S17), judge (S18), and co-host (S19) in previous seasons. He is honored to be the head judge of this season and cannot wait for this season to commence! Good luck to all participants! :)
Kiko Snowe, commonly known as Kiko, has been a member of HHW since 2017, and has participated in several seasons of Hurricane Idol. He was the host of Season 18, and, despite his recent resignation, plans to judge faithfully and fairly. He hopes everyone has fun this season and wishes everyone good luck!
KingLucarius, known commonly as Lucarius, has been an active contributor to the wiki since April 2018 and a consistent participant of Hurricane Idol going back to Season 13. Despite only recently returning from a four-month hiatus, he is looking forward to judging the contest yet again and wishes the best of luck to all this seasons' participants!
TheVastPacificOcean, or more commonly known by the name Pacifico or his nickname Paci, has been a part of this community as recently as 2021. A current Discord moderator in the HHW Discord server and recently a handpicked judge for the 20th edition of Hurricane Idol, this is his 2nd time participating in a Hurricane Idol season, with the last participation being Season 18 as a designer. He swears to judge truthfully and wishes every participant the best of luck in this fun competition!
Congratulation to JNLT for winning this season of Hurricane Idol! As always, thank you to everyone who participated as well - this season wouldn't have continued without you! In what was potentially one of the longest-running seasons in the series, the name Enrique has won. This was my first season hosting and participating in any judge position or higher, and even though I tried my best to keep up, I want to make a personal apology for the slow-pace and stagnation of the season. I had frequently forgotten about it and thus failed to announce each part on time. Regardless, I had fun and I hope everyone participating did as well! In a few months, I will be reviewing the applications for the next season's host - until then, good luck and thank you all for a good season! Finolian - (Talk) | (Contributions) 18:07, 30 June 2022 (UTC)