Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hurricane Idol Summer/Fall 2022 (XX)
Season 21 of Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki's Hurricane Idol began on September 20, 2022.

How does Hurricane Idol work?

In Hurricane Idol, names that have or will be used to name hurricanes are put into a contest based on what the judges and the other users of Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki decide. However, since Season 9, names that have not been used to name tropical cyclones have been submitted. Once the contest is complete, the last name that stands out will be crowned the winner of the contest and the most popular hurricane name of the year.

  • Blocked users will have their names disqualified, but will be able to participate in future seasons if the user is unblocked. If you are blocked while the name submissions are ongoing, the user will be automatically eliminated and their names disqualified.
  • Users must compete in one account only. If you try to participate in Hurricane Idol with alternate accounts or sockpuppets, you will get your names disqualified, and you may be removed from your position if you are a designer, moderator, judge, head judge, co-host, or host. You may also be excluded from participating in future seasons of Hurricane Idol.
  • The name submissions period will start on September 13 and end on September 20. The names can be submitted on this page's comment section or on the official Hurricane Idol Discord server. Names submitted after this date will not be accepted.


Co-host applications: Sept. 9 - Sept. 13
Judge, Moderator, and Designer applications: Sept. 9 - Sept. 13
Name submissions: Sept. 13 - Sept. 20
Round 1: Top 125 Names (Sept. 20 - Sept. 26)
Round 2: Top 97 Names (Sept. 27 - Oct. 3)
Round 3: Top 69 Names (Oct. 4 - Oct. 10)
Round 4: Top 48 Names (Oct. 11 - Oct. 17)
Round 5: Top 27 Names (Oct. 18 - Oct. 24)
Round 6: Top 13 Names (Oct. 25 - Oct. 31)
Round 7: Top 5 Names (PUBLIC VOTING; Users choose 3 names [Nov. 1 - Nov. 7])
Round 8: Top 3 Names (PUBLIC VOTING; Users choose 2 names [Nov. 8 - Nov. 14])
FINAL: PUBLIC VOTING (Users choose 1 name - Nov. 15 - Nov. 21)

The Panel of Hosts/Judges

HurricaneLucas4064 - (Host)
HurricaneLucas4064 is an administrator and co-leader of the wiki and has been for almost a year now. He has carried on every single role of Hurricane Idol now that he is host, remarkably! He is super excited to run this season and is incredibly honored to do so. Good luck to participants, and may the best name win! :)
StrawberryMaster - (Co-host)
StrawberryMaster has been a HHW figure since 2015, previously serving as bureaucrat from 2016 to 2021, and has participated in Hurricane Idol since Season 8, being the host of Seasons 10 and 17. As the co-host of Season 21, he wishes the best of luck to all participants running!
Finolian - (Head Judge)
Finolian, or more commonly known by their name Alex, is an administrator and bureaucrat of this wiki. They have been a part of this community since 2017, since then participating in 5 seasons of Hurricane Idol. They quickly rose to prominence in 2021, and hosted the previous season, Season 20. They wish good luck to everyone participating and they hope for a fun season this time around!
Serobone - (Judge)
Serobone, or more commonly known as Dwight, has been a user since 2013 and a former staff member. After his return in mid-2020, he has participated in seasons 18, 19, and 20 as either a judge or a designer. He is returning as a judge this season, and he wishes everyone a fun and engaging 21st rendition of Hurricane Idol. May the best name win!
KingLucarius - (Judge)
KingLucarius, or Lucarius, has been an active editor/contributor toward the wiki since April 2018 and has served tenures in the administration going back to August of the same year. Since participating in Hurricane Idols going back to season 14, he has served as a judge in many of them. Well, he is returning as a judge for the 21st season and wishes the best of luck to all participants!
FABI4NZZ - (Judge)
FABI4NZZ is currently an active user on the wiki and discord server since December 2020. He served the wiki as a chat moderator from January to April 2022. This is his first being a judge at Hurricane Idol. He wishes everyone who submitted name(s) good luck and to not worry if their names is eliminated.
Jnlt215 - (Judge)
Jnlt215 has been a member of the HHW community since September 2017. He has not held any role in the leadership/moderation team, and has only occasionally edited on the wiki since joining, yet remarkably, he emerged as last season’s winner, and is now incredibly honored to be serving as a first-time judge for Hurricane Idol. He wishes all participants good luck, and that the odds be ever in their favor.

Submitted Names

The Top 125 Names

Hurricane Idol Season 21 Round 1 Banner

Credits to Basti for this round's banner!

No users eliminated!

The Top 97 Names

Hurricane Idol Season 21 Round 2 Banner

Credits to Sria for this round's banner!

No users eliminated!

The Top 69 Names

HI S21 Round 3

Credits to AtlasTheTracker for this round's banner!

Hurricane alex 2022, and FlexTapeTornadoBeta. Thanks for participating!

The Top 48 Names

HI S21 Round 4 Banner

Credits to Oil for this round's banner!

Sria-72, AtlasTheTracker, and Prism55Writes (automatically eliminated). Thanks for participating!

The Top 27 Names

HI S21 Round 5 Banner

Credits to Basti for this round's banner!

HulkCraziness, Jolliehollie, Shibalovesweather, Foxauthor65, SolarRadiation 7500, GeoUwU, GiedriusforCat5, and Landon53. Thanks for participating!

The Top 13 Names

Hurricane Idol Season 21 Round 6 Banner

Credits to Basti for this round's banner!

Monsoonjr99, Vortex4020, MonseurRoussil1997, TheVastPacificOcean, Ponic Galaxy xxx, FABI4NZZ, StrawberryMaster, GloriouslyBlonde, and Sandy156. Thanks for participating!

The Top 5 Names

Hurricane Idol Season 21 Round 7 Banner

Credits to FCX for this round's banner!

Finolian, Funnycomixking 2019, Serobone, SolarisPenguin, BrazilianBasti, and Farm River. Thanks for participating!

The Top 3 Names

Hurricane Idol Season 21 Round 8 Banner

Credits to FCX for this round's banner!

WeatherWill. Thanks for participating!



Awarded for being the winner of Season 21 of Hurricane Idol with the name "Angela"
HI S21 FINALE Banner

Credits to Sria for the final round's banner!


(with 12 votes)

Awarded for being runner-up of Season 21 of Hurricane Idol with the name "Roxanne"


(with 8 votes)

Awarded for being third-place of Season 21 of Hurricane Idol with the name "Michelle"


(with 3 votes)

Message from the Host

A big thank you goes out to those who participated in this twenty-first season of Hurricane Idol. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope that I fulfilled all of your needs as host. As my first time hosting HI, I think things flowed fairly smoothly and I thank all of you for cooperating with me. I would like to thank all of the designers (Sria, Atlas, Oil, Basti, and FCX) for your wonderful banners along the way and for essentially an equal amount of banners between the five of you. I would also like to thank the moderators in the Discord server (Solaris and Sandy) for your hard work in keeping the server stable (even though there were not really any issues). Of course, a huge thanks goes out to all of the judges (Dwight, Fabian, JNLT, Lucarius, and head judge Alex) for keeping on track with the schedule and swiftly judging the names. And last but not least, the biggest thanks of all goes to SM, my co-host, who did a tremendous amount of work in helping me keep this season running.

I send a huge congratulations to Lucarius for winning this season's Hurricane Idol (and I think it's your third victory in the last four seasons!). We had a non-Atlantic and Eastern Pacific name win this season for only the second time ever, which is quite interesting. I would also like to congratulate Joel for coming in second place, (and me for having a second consecutive third place finish). Once again, I hope that this season was a lot of fun for you, and I hope there will be many more! Hosting was a blast for me, and I would be honored to do it again in the future. As for Season 22 (wow), we will be kicking it off in March, and I will set up host applications sometime in February. Until then, this is your S21 host, signing off. -- Lucas :) | (Talk | Contribs) | 19:54 November 21, 2022 (UTC)