Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
This page documents an official Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki policy.
It describes a widely accepted standard that all editors should follow. Changes made to it should reflect consensus.

Discord is a free text and voice chat medium. The application can be used from within the web browser or downloaded, with the link for both being on the homepage of its website: discord.com. It is available for several operating systems, and can be accessed via a web-app on certain browsers.

The guidelines stated here apply to the off-site wiki Discord chat. The server can be accessed by clicking here.

How does Discord work?[]

Are you unsure or hesitant to participate in the chat? Don't be shy - we like getting to know our users better! If you don't know what Discord is or how it works, Discord wrote a Beginner's Guide to Discord that we strongly recommend you read.


All of the server's guidelines can be accessed by viewing this document.


This is a list of bots that existed before the chat was discontinued. Most of these bots are still occasionally active:

Username Owner Purpose Discussion
PassionFruitMaster StrawberryMaster Logs the wiki's chatroom and does occasional maintenance work Link

Chat moderators[]

The chatmoderator right allowed users to moderate the chat by kicking and banning offending users. Administrators, as well as individuals who passed the RfCM process, were allocated this right. Due to the deprecation of chat, chat moderators are now given the threadmoderator right, which gives them other wiki powers like closing threads, deleting comments, and other tools to moderate Discussions.

See HHW:M#List of Chat Moderators for a list of current chat/thread moderators.

Discord moderators[]

The Discord moderator right allows users who are significantly active and redeemed trustworthy on HHW's Discord server (but not the wiki itself) to become staff. Discord moderators only have authority on the wiki's Discord server and are granted permissions similar to chat moderators. Users who wish to become a Discord Moderator can submit a request in the #feedback-and-suggestions channel on the Discord server. Requirements will be listed in the channel.

See HHW:M#List of Discord Moderators for a list of current discord-only moderators.