Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki
Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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/** <pre>
 * This file loads for every user the wiki chat.
 * For skin specific variants see [[MediaWiki:Chat.css]]
 * for oasis respectively
 * Please test any changes made to this file.
 * Jshint <http://www.jshint.com> can catch syntax errors to help testing.
 * Alternatively, Wikia's code editor has jshint embedded to make life extra simple.

window.chatags = { images: true, videos: true };

window.chatAnnouncementsAll = true;
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	auto refresh emoticons and css
	all credit goes to Penguin-Pal
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	// request again every every 'gap' seconds
	setInterval(request, gap * 1000);

/* Start Custom Chat Stars */

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var userBadges = function() {
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            if ($(this).attr('data-user').match(/(Cooper7579|Roy25|TropicalStormChapsteck)/)) {
            if ($(this).attr('data-user').match(/(KingLucarius|WeatherWill)/)) {
            if ($(this).attr('data-user').match(/(GiedriusforCat5)/)) {
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            if ($(this).attr('data-user').match(/(CycloneMC|GloriouslyBlonde|HurricaneLucas4064|LckyTUBA|MasterGarf)/)) {
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/* End Custom Chat Stars */