Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

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Disclaimer: The content on this wiki is fictional and NOT a resource for real tropical cyclones. NONE of this wiki's content should be taken as a real indication of inclement weather.


Hypothetical Hurricanes Wiki

Hello all,

Whether this is a shock to you or not, I have decided to resign from my position as junior administrator.

This is not a bold, spir of the moment thing, I have been contemplating this since last year and I have decided to go through with it. This has been a hard decision and has caused me much anxiety, but I believe it is the right choice. Being staff since December 2018 has been a great experience and has really taught me a lot. However, there have been downfalls. More than I can count. This resignation is a completely personal one and has nothing to do with anyone or any situation. Since the self isolation started, I started spending more time online and that has really damaged my mental health. I have become anti-social and have cut communications with people. I do not think, mentally, I am in a good place. One big source of my stress is HHWD. I try to spend most of my waking hours chatting and moderating and that really takes a toll. I am hoping resigning will take some pressure off the idea that I have to always be online. This might affect my wiki activity, I am not sure. Could I return? Maybe, but not right now or for a while. I hope this is understandable.

Thank you, TheWeatherWill
